Michaël Baudin
The goal of this page is to see the available color maps in Scilab.
The scripts
This page is inspired by Reynald Passerin's Scilab tools. But the code below is original, provided under the CeCILL.
Scilab provides several colormaps:
- autumncolormap — red through orange to yellow colormap
- bonecolormap — gray colormap with a light blue tone
- coolcolormap — cyan to magenta colormap
- coppercolormap — black to a light copper tone colormap
- graycolormap — linear gray colormap
- hotcolormap — red to yellow colormap
- hsvcolormap — Hue-saturation-value colormap
- jetcolormap — blue to red colormap
- oceancolormap — linear blue colormap
- pinkcolormap — sepia tone colorization on black and white images
- rainbowcolormap — red through orange, yellow, green,blue to violet colormap
- springcolormap — magenta to yellow colormap
- summercolormap — green to yellow colormap
- whitecolormap — completely white colormap
- wintercolormap — blue to green colormap
These colormaps can be used to color a plot, such as a 2D plot, 3D plot or a contour plot, for example.
The following script applies the autumn colormap to a 3D plot:
f = scf(); plot3d1(); f.color_map = autumncolormap(32);
This produces the following plot.
The colormap function are difficult to automate. This is because there are so many function. Instead, we suggest to create one single function, which would take the name of the color as an input argument. This is why it is convenient to create some helper functions.
The following function returns the matrix of all available colormaps.
function cmapmatrix = colormap_all() // Returns all the available colormaps. // Copyright (C) 2011 - Michael Baudin cmapmatrix = [ "autumn" "bone" "cool" "copper" "gray" "hot" "hsv" "jet" "ocean" "pink" "rainbow" "spring" "summer" "white" "winter" ] endfunction
The following function create a colormap given the number of colors and the name of a colormap.
function cmap = colormap_new(n,name) // Returns the color map given the number of colors and the name. // Copyright (C) 2011 - Michael Baudin cmapmatrix = colormap_all() // Check that the colormap is in the matrix k = find(name==cmapmatrix) if (k==[]) then error(gettext("%s: Undefined colormap %s\n"),"colormapnew",name) end // Compute the colormap instr = "cmap = "+name+"colormap(n)" ierr = execstr(instr,"errcatch") if ( ierr<> 0 ) then lerr = lasterror() error(gettext("%s: %s\n"),"colormapnew",lerr) end endfunction
The getcolor function is not very convenient, because it not only plot the colormap, but also forces an interaction with the user. It also customize the graphics window, which may not be necessary in some situations. Moreover, it creates a new window, while it may be interesting to plot the colormap within the current graphics window.
The following function prints the current colormap on the current figure. The algorithm is extracted from the code of the getcolor function.
function colormap_print() // Prints the colormap on the current figure. // Copyright (C) 2011 - Michael Baudin sdf; sda; fig = gcf(); cmap = fig.color_map; N = size(cmap,1); wdim = [1,1]; r = wdim(1)/wdim(2); n = round(sqrt(N/r)); m = int(n*r); H = m*45; // These numbers set the size of the getcolor window W = n*45; fig.figure_size = [H,W]; dx = wdim(1)/m; dy = wdim(2)/n; x = -dx; y = wdim(2); R = [0;0;dx*0.95;dy*0.95]; rects = []; for k = 1:N if modulo(k,n)==1 then x = x+dx; y = wdim(2); end; rects = [rects,R+[x;y;0;0]]; y = y-dy; end; xsetech([-1/8,-1/8,1+1/6,1+1/6],[0,0,wdim(1),wdim(2)]); // rectangles with the colors xrects(rects,1:N); // frame around the colors r = m*n-N; ddx = 0.05*dx; ddy = 0.05*dy; if r==0 then xpoly([-ddx,1,1,-ddx],[0,0,1+ddy,1+ddy],"lines",1); else xpoly([-ddx,1-1/n,1-1/n,1,1,-ddx],[0,0,r/m,r/m,1+ddy,1+ddy],"lines",1); end; endfunction
The following script performs a loop over the available colormaps. It creates a figure to plot the colormap and, if required, exports the content into a file.
cmapmatrix = colormap_all(); for c = cmapmatrix' mprintf("Colormap=%s\n",c); h=scf(); h.color_map = colormap_new(n,c); colormap_print(); // xs2png(h,c+".png"); Uncomment to create the files close(h); end
The figures
The following figures presents the colormaps available in Scilab.
A side note
Since we are really lazy, we updated the current wiki page by using Scilab to generate the links to the figures. The following script generates the content of the wiki page which is required.
for c = cmapmatrix' mprintf("[[ImageLink(%s.png,height=100)]]\n",c); end
The previous script produces the following output.
[[ImageLink(autumn.png,height=100)]] [[ImageLink(bone.png,height=100)]] [[ImageLink(cool.png,height=100)]] [[ImageLink(copper.png,height=100)]] [[ImageLink(gray.png,height=100)]] [[ImageLink(hot.png,height=100)]] [[ImageLink(hsv.png,height=100)]] [[ImageLink(jet.png,height=100)]] [[ImageLink(ocean.png,height=100)]] [[ImageLink(pink.png,height=100)]] [[ImageLink(rainbow.png,height=100)]] [[ImageLink(spring.png,height=100)]] [[ImageLink(summer.png,height=100)]] [[ImageLink(white.png,height=100)]] [[ImageLink(winter.png,height=100)]]