1. Scilab Optimization Datasheet
Download the datasheet in pdf (updated 09/2011)
The following script contains the demos:
demo_optimization_v0.8.sce (Updated 09/2011)
(Deprecated: demo_optimization_v0.7.sce)
(Deprecated: demo_optimization_v0.6.sce)
(Deprecated: demo_optimization_v0.5.sce)
(Deprecated: demo_optimization_v0.4.sce)
(Deprecated: demo_optimization_v0.3.sce)
(Deprecated: demo_optimization_v0.2.sce)
(Deprecated: demo_optimization_v0.1.sce)
1.1. And also
Hot topics
The following is a list of projects which are currently under development in optimization in Scilab.
- Manage sparse linear optimization problems by updating Lipsol for Scilab.
- Improve the Scilab/Ipopt interface and the fmincon nonlinear optimization function.
- Improve the performance of the optim function L-BFGS by using the BLAS API.
- Provide Integer Programming solvers.
- Provide Design of Experiments and Response Surface tools.
"Optimization In Scilab", Digiteo, INRIA, Baudin, Couvert, Steer (HTML)
"Nelder mead user's manual", Digiteo, Michael Baudin, (HTML)
"Optimization with Scilab, present and future", Michael Baudin and Serge Steer, in Proceedings Of 2009 International Workshop On Open-Source Software For Scientic Computation (Ossc-2009) (HTML)
"Introduction to optimization in Scilab", Consortium Scilab - Digitéo, Michael Baudin (HTML)
1.2. Figures
- Pattern for numerical derivative of gradient with order 1 :
(Deprecated : jacobian_patternO1.svg)
- Pattern for numerical derivative of gradient with order 2 :
(Deprecated : jacobian_patternO2.svg)
- Pattern for numerical derivative of gradient with order 4 :
(Deprecated : jacobian_patternO4.svg)
- Intermediate points for Rosenbrock function with optim: