[Contents] [TitleIndex] [WordIndex

Porting Scicos-HIL to Scilab 5.0

"Welcome the the _REAL_ world"

What means "Hardware In the Loop" ? The short story:

The long history:

Why real time simulation it is so important for Scicos-HIL ? For open loop applications:

For closed loop applications:

The two "flavors" of Scicos-HIL

For Windows

For Linux

For Mac OSx

Scicos-HIL internal organization

Scicos-HIL is organized like any other Scilab 5 modules (there are only few minor differences).

The directories structure is :

 modules / scicos_hil /
                        demos /
                                linux /
                                windows /
                                macosx /
                        etc /
                        examples /
                                linux /
                                windows /
                                macosx /
                        help  /
                                en_US /
                                        scicos_hil_doc /
                                fr_FR /
                                images /
                        includes /
                        locales /
                        macros /
                                linux /
                                        comedi /
                                        meascomp /
                                        rtai /
                                        preempt_rt /
                                windows /
                                         meascomp /
                                macosx /
                                linux /
                                        comedi /
                                        meascomp /
                                        rtai /
                                        preempt_rt /
                                windows /
                                         meacom /
                                macosx /
                        sci_gateway /
                                     c /
                                     fortran /
                        src /
                                c /
                                    linux /
                                            comedi /
                                            meascomp /
                                            rtai /
                                            preempt_rt /
                                    windows /
                                              meascomp /
                                    macosx /

1. External dependencies and tools

For the Scilab binary versions:

For the Scilab source versions

2022-09-08 09:27