My Way to play with master and 5.0 branches
Get the repositories
[SHELL] mkdir ~/repositories [SHELL] cd ~/repositories # master branch # ======================================================= [SHELL] git clone [SHELL] mv scilab master # 5.0 branch # ======================================================= [SHELL] git clone [SHELL] mv scilab 5.0 [SHELL] cd 5.0 # Create a local 5.0 branch [SHELL] git branch 5.0 refs/remotes/origin/5.0 # CheckOut this branch [SHELL] git checkout 5.0 # We don't need the master branch in this repository anymore : [SHELL] git branch -D master
Configure, Compilation, etc ...
# master branch # ======================================================= [SHELL] cd ~/repositories/master/scilab [SHELL] svn --force export svn:// bin [SHELL] svn --force export svn:// thirdparty [SHELL] svn --force export svn:// libs [SHELL] ./configure [SHELL] make all # 5.0 branch # ======================================================= [SHELL] cd ~/repositories/5.0/scilab [SHELL] svn --force export svn:// bin [SHELL] svn --force export svn:// thirdparty [SHELL] svn --force export svn:// libs [SHELL] ./configure [SHELL] make all
Fix a bug in the 5.0 branch and merge the 5.0 branch into the master branch
[SHELL] cd ~/repositories/5.0 # Just check the branch [SHELL] git branch .* 5.0 # Edit The guilty file [SHELL] nano scilab/modules/compatibility_functions/help/fr_FR/mtlb_sort.xml # Add the file to list of item to commit [SHELL] git add scilab/modules/compatibility_functions/help/fr_FR/mtlb_sort.xml # Commit it [SHELL] git commit -m 'Fix accented characters' .Created commit 065bdd6: Fix accented characters . 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) # Send the commit to the server [SHELL] git push .Counting objects: 15, done. .Compressing objects: 100% (8/8), done. .Writing objects: 100% (8/8), 643 bytes, done. .Total 8 (delta 6), reused 0 (delta 0) .-Info- Update is fast-forward .-Info- The user is: '' .-Grant- Granting access based on authz .To . 38e8d08..065bdd6 5.0 -> 5.0 # Now merge the 5.0 branch with master branch [SHELL] cd ~/repositories/master # Update your "master" repository [SHELL] git pull .remote: Counting objects: 15, done. .remote: Compressing objects: 100% (8/8), done. .remote: Total 8 (delta 6), reused 0 (delta 0) .Unpacking objects: 100% (8/8), done. .From . 38e8d08..065bdd6 5.0 -> origin/5.0 .Already up-to-date. # And now, The Merge [SHELL] git merge refs/remotes/origin/5.0 .Merge made by recursive. . .../help/fr_FR/mtlb_sort.xml | 2 +- . 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) # Check the commits [SHELL] git log -n 2 .commit c8c1e14ece3b2dfec4f6c3412dbbdccf9a37f574 .Merge: f7210ff... 065bdd6... .Author: Pierre MARECHAL <> .Date: Wed Dec 3 10:51:53 2008 +0100 . . Merge commit 'refs/remotes/origin/5.0' . .commit 065bdd66900f4091e9b3479e524ddc529c4281f8 .Author: Pierre MARECHAL <> .Date: Wed Dec 3 10:43:19 2008 +0100 . . Fix accented characters # Send the commit to the server [SHELL] git push .Counting objects: 13, done. .Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done. .Writing objects: 100% (5/5), 500 bytes, done. .Total 5 (delta 4), reused 0 (delta 0) .-Info- Update is fast-forward .-Info- The user is: '' .-Grant- Granting access based on authz .To . f7210ff..c8c1e14 master -> master .