1. Using ATOMS
Many additional modules, called "Toolboxes", have been created by the Scilab community. They are listed on the ATOMS website.
See below on how to access these ATOMS (AuTomatic mOdules Management for Scilab) toolboxes from the Scilab tool: a GUI makes it easy to install them. there are also includes commands to add, remove, configure, toolboxes, and access the ATOMS website.
See the Create a toolbox page also, if you are interested in creating a toolbox, either for use in your team/company/lab, or to contribute back to the community.
1.1. Using the ATOMS GUI
Scilab includes a GUI to facilitate the use of ATOMS. This GUI is also available through the Scilab menu "Applications".
1.2. Using ATOMS from the command line
1.2.1. Searching a module
The function atomsSearch("keywords") allows the search of available modules.
For example:
-->atomsSearch("network") ans = !lolimot A fast neural network - LOcal LInear MOdel Tree ! ! ! !metanet Graph and Network toolbox !
The first column is the name of the module.
1.2.2. Install a module
The function atomsInstall("name_of_the_module") allows to install a Scilab module packaged in ATOMS.
For example:
On the next start of Scilab, the module will be loaded automatically. To load it manually, call:
For more details, please read atomsInstall
1.2.3. Install a module for all users or for a single user
In some corporate environments, a typical user has no admin rights. But it is still possible to install modules, because Scilab can install them without admin rights.
It is possible to install a module in "user" mode, with the "user" option of the atomsInstall function. The module is then available only for the current user, and not for others.
-->atomsInstall("NISP","user") NISP (2.4.1-1) will be installed in the 'user' section specfun (0.4.1-1) will be installed in the 'user' section apifun (0.4.1-1) will be installed in the 'user' section helptbx (0.4-1) will be installed in the 'user' section Installing NISP (2.4.1-1) ... success Installing specfun (0.4.1-1) ... success Installing apifun (0.4.1-1) ... success Installing helptbx (0.4-1) ... success ans = !NISP 2.4.1-1 user SCIHOME\atoms\NISP\2.4.1-1 I ! !specfun 0.4.1-1 user SCIHOME\atoms\specfun\0.4.1-1 A ! !apifun 0.4.1-1 user SCIHOME\atoms\apifun\0.4.1-1 A ! !helptbx 0.4-1 user SCIHOME\atoms\helptbx\0.4-1 A !
It is also possible to run Scilab in administrator mode, so that we can install Scilab for all the users of the computer. This way, any user who logs on the computer will have the external Scilab module installed. In order to run Scilab in admin mode on Windows, we Shift-Right Click on Scilab's icon, and, if necessary, enter the admin login and password.
In the following session, we have launched Scilab in admin mode and installed the NISP module for Scilab. This corresponds to the "allusers" option of atomsInstall.
-->atomsInstall("NISP") NISP (2.4.1-1) will be installed in the 'allusers' section specfun (0.4.1-1) will be installed in the 'allusers' section apifun (0.4.1-1) will be installed in the 'allusers' section helptbx (0.4-1) will be installed in the 'allusers' section Installing NISP (2.4.1-1) ... success Installing specfun (0.4.1-1) ... success Installing apifun (0.4.1-1) ... success Installing helptbx (0.4-1) ... success ans = !NISP 2.4.1-1 allusers SCI\contrib\NISP\2.4.1-1 I ! !specfun 0.4.1-1 allusers SCI\contrib\specfun\0.4.1-1 A ! !apifun 0.4.1-1 allusers SCI\contrib\apifun\0.4.1-1 A ! !helptbx 0.4-1 allusers SCI\contrib\helptbx\0.4-1 A !
1.2.4. Remove a module
The function atomsRemove("name_of_the_module") allows to uninstall a Scilab module packaged in ATOMS.
For example:
For more details, please read atomsRemove
1.2.5. Configure the network proxy
If your internet configuration uses a proxy, it might be necessary to configure the proxy settings, so that Scilab can download the required files. For example, we may use the following settings, with customized values :
atomsSetConfig("Verbose","True") atomsSetConfig("useProxy","True") atomsSetConfig("proxyHost","myProxyHost") atomsSetConfig("proxyPort","myProxyPort") atomsSetConfig("proxyUser","myUserName") atomsSetConfig("proxyPassword","myPassword")
1.3. Using ATOMS offline - resolving errors
If, during an atoms GUI, you get errors like this onelike:
atomsDownload : Le fichier suivant n'a pas été téléchargé : - URL : 'http://atoms.scilab.org/5.5/TOOLBOXES/64/linux.gz' - Emplacement local : 'tmp/SCI_TMP_4246_aAlt14/.atoms/1_TOOLBOXES.gz' !--error 10000
then, before starting the module installation, set ATOMS to run offline:
For more details, see the Scilab documentation on atomsSetConfig
1.4. Supported platforms
Most ATOMS modules are available for all supported Scilab platforms - Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux & Mac OS X. Modules which only contains Scilab macros are available on non-supported operating system.
Some modules may not work on all platforms, however, as they may depend on some libraries only available on some of them. Each module pages lists the platforms on which the module is available.