Student time line
Community Bonding Period:
- Students get to know mentors, read documentation, get up to speed to begin working on their projects.
May 23:
- Students begin coding for their GSoC projects;
- Google begins issuing initial student payments provided tax forms are on file and students are in good standing with their communities.
Interim Period:
- Mentors give students a helping hand and guidance on their projects.
July 6:
- Mentors and students can begin submitting mid-term evaluations.
July 13:
- Mid-term evaluations deadline;
- Google begins issuing mid-term student payments provided passing student survey is on file.
Interim Period:
- Mentors give students a helping hand and guidance on their projects.
August 10:
- Suggested 'pencils down' date. Take a week to scrub code, write tests, improve documentation, etc.
August 17:
- Firm 'pencils down' date. Mentors, students and organization administrators can begin submitting final evaluations to Google.
August 24:
- Final evaluation deadline;
- Google begins issuing student and mentoring organization payments provided forms and evaluations are on file.
August 25:
- Final results of GSoC 2009 announced
September 3:
- Students can begin submitting required code samples to Google
October (date TBD): Mentor Summit at Google:
- Representatives from each successfully participating organization are invited to Google to greet, collaborate and code. Our mission for the weekend: make the program even better, have fun and make new friends.