Bi-weekly Report 6/8 - 20/8 /2012
A first version of Scidoe toolbox was released on 6th of August in ATOMS
In the last 2 weeks many bugs were fixed and additional functions were added and tested.
The current version in Scilab.Forge executes builder.sce, loader.sce without errors and loads demos.
All the unit tests of the available functions pass.
Currently in Forge the available macros along with unit tests, dia.ref files, demos and help pages are:
- scidoe_lhsdesign: LHS Design including random,centered,maximin and correlation criteria
- scidoe_fullfact: A full factorial design
- scidoe_ff2n: A full factorial design with 2 factors
- scidoe_fracfact: A fractional factorial design
- scidoe_bbdesign: Box-Behnken design
- scidoe_ccdesign: Central Composite design
- scidoe_star.sci: A Star Points Design of Experiments
Model Building
- scidoe_simplelinreg : univariate linear regression
- scidoe_multilinreg : multivariate linear regression
- scidoe_regress : multiple linear regression
- scidoe_regressprint : print regression summary
- scidoe_yates: Yates Algorithm
- scidoe_ryates: Inverse Yates Algorithm
- scidoe_compare : The default comparison function used in the sort-merge.
- scidoe_plotcube : Plots a d dimensions cube in [-1,1].
- scidoe_sort : A flexible sorting function.
- scidoe_sortdesign : Sort the experiments of a design of experiments
- scidoe_string : Sort the experiments of a design of experiments
- scidoe_pdist.sci:Calculate Pairwise Point Distances
The high priority functions also include demos.
This version is ready for a v0.2 release in ATOMS.