Simulink import
Main idea of this project is to create easy method of migrating Simulink diagrams to Xcos, with minimal user involvement.
Project description
See attached SEP: SEP_Simulink_Import.odt
State of the art and recent projects related
OpenCPS european research projet ITEA3: Deliverable D5.8 Simulink To Modelica Importer M24 Simulink To Modelica Importer
Automatic translation of Simulink models into Modelica using Simelica and the AdvancedBlocks library
GSOC 2010 project details
Compatibility Pattern Structure
<!-- Integrator Block Compatibility Pattern --> <block sim="Integrator" xcos="INTEGRAL_m" description="">
First goes simulink name of block, then xcos, after that you can put description, that will be shown in [TRACE]
<str2int sim="ZeroCross" xcos="nzcross" description="Enable zero-crossing detection"> <map simVal="off" xcosVal="0"/> <map simVal="on" xcosVal="1"/> </str2int> <str2int sim="LimitOutput" xcos="rpar" description=""> <map simVal="off" xcosVal="0"/> <map simVal="on" xcosVal="1"/> </str2int>
Every parameter that in Simulink has String value and in Xcos is Integer
<real xcos="rpar"> <map simName="UpperStaturationLimit" index="0"/> <map simName="LowerSaturationLimit" index="1"/> </real> <real xcos="state"> <map simName="InitialCondition" index="0"/> </real>
All parameters (rpar, state, ipar, dstate) that have real/integer/etc values
integer will have it's own type
odstate and opar isn't yet available
Task |
More info |
Priority |
Status |
Main tasks |
Integrate external libraries |
1 |
done |
Parser handling |
1 |
done |
Expanded parser handling |
add handling for simulation parameters to CCSM |
3 |
to do |
Create migration pattern schema |
1 |
done |
Create migration patterns for explicit blocks |
1 |
in progress |
Binding compatibility patterns via JAXB |
1 |
done |
Diagram creation |
Element placement |
1 |
done |
Blocks |
1 |
in progres |
1 |
done |
Links |
1 |
done |
Ports |
1 |
in progress |
Annotations |
2 |
in progress |
Testing and validation |
Trace |
1 |
done |
Unitary tests |
2 |
in progress |
User documentation |
2 |
in progress |