Report 3 - 01 July 2011
Current state
Last two weeks I continued writing mexlib.cpp file. Now, I have just a few functions which I did not implemented yet, primarily memory management (mxMalloc, mxCalloc, mxRealloc, mexMakeMemoryPesistent), calls to Scilab (mexCallSCILAB and mexEvalString) and some obsolete mex functions.
Current state of mexlib.cpp is in my last commit to code review (commit).
I'm a bit late on my schedule. My plan was to finish mexlib implementation until week 7 (next week), but it will not be possible. Maybe I have mexlib working in mid-term, but I need dynamic_link to complete my goal. I tried dynamic_link but it is not done.
I already have some basic mexFunction examples written, but I didn't commited it yet.
- I'm looking for some mex files using memory management functions to know how I should implement it.
I can't work with dynamic_link yet.
Plans for the next two weeks
- Implement calls to Scilab and memory management functions.
- Use dynamic_link to call mex functions, even if it is not working yet.
- Write tests to mexlib.
- Make plans to GIWS part, but I guess I will need to postpone it.