Weekly report for 16 July 2010 on Project "Database Module + FuzzySQL"
This week I have:
in DbConnect() for the case when connection string is passed - parsed connection string and splitted it's parameters, passed database, user and password parameters to providers' connectors. Specific for provider parameters, for example, timeout or reconnect necessity must be set in provider specific way, for example through calling mysql_options() for MySQL provider.
- learned how to write unitary tests, wrote tests for some functions
provided connection structs examples for different providers in help for DbConnect() function
tested module, removed some debug messages from functions, all works fine with MySQL, PostgreSQL, ODBC (Access, MSSQL), Firebird(InterBase), SQLite, SQLite2, OCI (Oracle).
Next week
Write unitary tests for all functions, set provider-specific parameters, parsed from connection string when receiving connection string parameter at DbConnect. Continue testing.