Weekly report for 28 May 2010 on Project "Database Module + FuzzySQL"
This week module specification was concretized and FSQL-classes developed further.
You fill find following changes in SEP:
- 2 ways for providing connection strings: provide a unique connection string for used provider or use struct to provide connection string parameters in a provider-independent way
- mapping of SQL-types into Scilab types
- 6 functions for getting query results:
[All] - versions of functions fetch all records of query at once, returning list of structs, matrix of strings or matrix of doulbes correspondingly.
FSQL - classes
I also continued development of FSQL-classes for fuzzy queries execution. A significant architectural solution was accepted: to save local copy of FMB (Fuzzy Meta Base) on client to make translation of a query faster and to enable early error detection. You will find significant architectural issues of fuzzy quering on the following diagram: