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Call scilab from powershell

A easy example to call scilab from powershell.

you need :

-- powershell 1.0 or 2.0 CTP

-- scilab 5.2

-- visual studio C# 2008 pro or express (to build donetscilab classlibrary)

1] build donetscilab classlibrary

launch SCI/modules/call_scilab/examples/call_scilab/NET/C#/dotnetsci.sln

and build solution.

2] configure your powershell environment

launch powershell

$Scilab_bin_directory = "C:\Program Files\scilab-5.2\bin"
$Env:PATH = $Env:PATH + ";" + $Scilab_bin_directory

3] load .NET classlibrary

$Fullpath ="$Scilab_bin_directory\DotNet-Component-Scilab.dll"

4] create a .NET scilab object

$objScilab = new-object dotnetscilab.Scilab

5] play with methods of scilab object

send a job to scilab (here , display a string)

$r = $objScilab.SendScilabJob("disp('Hello')")

creates a double matrix in scilab and get result in powershell

$r = $objScilab.SendScilabJob("A=ones(5,10)")


$dimA = $objScilab.getNamedVarDimension('A')

creates a string in scilab and get result in powershell

$objScilab.SendScilabJob("strA = 'test'")

creates a string matrix in scilab and get result in powershell

$objScilab.SendScilabJob("strB =['test';'scilab']")

$dimstrB = $objScilab.getNamedVarDimension('strB')

$strB = $objScilab.readNamedMatrixOfString('strB')

send a array of double from powershell, modify by scilab and get result

$matDouble = (5.,10.,5.,10.,5.,10.)


$objScilab.SendScilabJob("matDouble = matDouble * 2")

$matDouble = $objScilab.readNamedMatrixOfDouble('matDouble')

send a array of string from powershell, modify by scilab and get result

$matString = ('test' , 'scilab' , 'from' , 'powershell')

$objScilab.SendScilabJob("matString = convstr(matString,'u')")

$matString = $objScilab.readNamedMatrixOfString('matString')

2022-09-08 09:26