== Build Scilab with M-SDK==
Step 1
This method is not supported by Scilab Team (Please uses Visual Studio 2008 Express)
You need :
*the latest Windows SDK ; it is free and redistribuable (with condition) providing you have a genuine Windows licence. Contrary to Visual Studio 2K8 express, no additionnal registration is needed.
*Scilab source
*Scilab prerequirement for windows
Source and prerequirement must be in the same directory.
Step 2
Open CMD Shell (start>Microsoft Windows SDK 7.0>CMD SHELL) and type
cd <to_scilab_directory>
Step 3
In the same CMD Shell than previously, type :
msbuild Scilab_f2c.sln
And wait until compilation process finish.
If you want a 64 bits versions, you can type :
msbuild Scilab_f2c.sln /p:platform=x64
and if you want to "clean" your solution :
msbuild Scilab_f2c.sln /t:clean
You can use the /maxcpucount flag to increase compilation speed on multi-core system.